12 July 2016

Minion Gifs are Always Good

That was the sky last night at 9:00 or so, when it stopped raining (well, storming) and I went to go retrieve my blanket and pillowcase from the dryer. There was light enough to see by--it was only civil twilight--but the rest of the landscape was too dark for my camera. This is looking west, over building 4.

Gee, do you think the storm was moving east? A little? Smiley the Happy Telescope was actually struck by lightning, we're pretty sure. He's fine--well, as fine as he was before he got struck by lightning--and a few things needed to be reset, but it was one helluva boom. The power flickered, radios briefly spit static, that kind of thing. A helluva boom. I couldn't get the lightning detector to load, so I asked my friends to keep tabs on it so they could tell me when I was relatively unlikely to get zapped for going outside. Thanks, guys. I like being un-fried. Bzzt.

I don't know how Colleen is doing. I'll try to check on her in a little while, but she didn't come in today. She's still resting, I think, so my exile to building 4 continues (it's fine, totally comfortable, mildly electrifying) until she's feeling better. She did get some dinner last night, and I helped deliver vast quantities of ginger ale and bananas, which she thought sounded edible.

As for the interior design, it's largely OK except for one fairly major error...

I forgot the LEM.

Mostly because I couldn't--and still kind of can't--figure out where the hell we should put a 1/4 or 1/3 (I can't remember) scale lunar module.

But we have it, and Steve wants it on display.


So I have until Thursday to figure out where the heck that thing belongs.

Cool beans. Coooooool beans.

Maybe we can make the crater room centred on Any Lunar Crater Ever, instead of the Chicxulub Impactor and dinosaurs. We do technically have 3D printed craters, after all. And moon rocks. Christy had some walk-on-the-moon type stuff that kids apparently like. Sure, this could work.

This totally isn't my expression staring at my model. Nope. Tooootally not.

I also need to make a study of how the space and rocket center does it. Our problem is that we have mostly space shuttle stuff, with a bare sprinkling of everything else (like Apollo Soyuz). The Space and Rocket center has, let's be fair, mostly Apollo and early space history stuff with a smattering of the more modern.

So how the heck did they incorporate it?

Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure they sort of stuck it in a corner. But they have practice with this stuff. Maybe somebody on their staff will have some idea about how to make their Davidson Centre flow better without sort of just sticking stuff in there? 

At least--apart from not including a lunar module--my model mostly looks good.  Steve wants a colour coded map of themed areas, which I could do by just printing it out and colouring it with crayons. (I think he would prefer photoshop, though.) The wall graphics weren't quite explicit enough.

I also learned that we have another satellite, but because it has massive solar panels (think "room length") still attached, I don't have to deal with it. 


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